Selasa, 02 November 2010

Pasha & Adelia

As known so far Pasha Ungu is always covering up prihal relationship with several women, but for her new boyfriend named Adelia Pasha seem more awkward to openly show the relationship to the public.
Despite having a new girlfriend named Adelia, but Pasha claimed that between himself and Adelia had known each other for so long. Though still a brief acquaintance, but Pasha argues that the figure of Adelia is a woman who has a good nature.
When asked about marriage plans between her new boyfriend Pasha Ungu with Adelia, Okie Agustina's former husband was not able to ensure her wedding day for sure by Adelia.
"Not to know that yes, God willing, hopefully, pray alone, because that makes us like this, really comfortable, was able to understand each other," said Pasha.

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